Wednesday, August 28, 2013

WGA Results 8-28-13

Today's format was tee for all in our WGA Play Day. The weather was nice a little on the humid side but that's to be expected for this time of year. We had 15 eighteen holers show up and 3 nine holers.

The Gross division was taken by Diane Tate who fire a little 82 to not only take the win but to help her team win the Ladies Match Play Championship. She teamed with our second place lady in Norma Hyland who shot an 87. Third place in the Gross division was taken by Stephanie Stokes who shot a 89.

The net side of things was taken by Lois Lee who shot 68 to take home the top spot while second place was taken by Cindy Boals who shot 70. Maureen Buckley took home third place with 71.

The nine hole Gross division was taken by Elizabeth Hemming who shot a nice 62. While the net side was won by Carol Spears who shot a 46.

The chip in money was won by Stephanie Stokes who chipped in on hole sixteen for not only the lone chip in but for the lone birdie of the day.

Great work to all the Ladies who came out. We look forward to seeing you next week for our President's Cup format.

All the Best,


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