Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Today we had two nine hole ladies and nine eighteen hole ladies with our format being President's Cup. The top spot in the gross division was split between a familiar face of Dot Kennihan and Diane Tate both fired an 88. The top spot in the net side was also split between Betty Lynch and Becky Deaton who fired smooth little 65's. Wanda Little nearly missed the top spot but settled into second firing a little 68.

The nine hole division was split between our only two ladies who shot the same score on both the gross and net side. Tina Maisano and Cathy Roofe both shot a gross 58 and a net of 40. Great job Ladies!

There were no chip in's today so the evergoing pot will continue to grow until next week.

We had three birdies today number 12 was a popular hole to birdie today as both Betty Lynch and Norma Hyland birdied it, but not to be outdone Diane Tate threw in a tweeter on the 13th hole.

Thanks to all the ladies who came out today. Next weeks format will be Becky's Day and will start at 8:30.

All the Best,


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