Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2013 Ladies Team Match Play Champions Crowned!

2013 Ladies Team Match Play Champions
Norma Hyland & Diane Tate
What a match the ladies had today.  It took 21 holes to decide this years Champion.  The defending Champions, Karen Finegold and Lois Lee were taking on the always tough duo of Norma Hyland and Diane Tate.  The Match started off with our 2012 champs taking the first hole with Lois Lee's net par then the teams tied the next two holes with pars.  Diane Tate won the difficult 4th hole with a net par to take the match back to all square.  Ties on the 5th, 6th and 7th holes the Karen Finegold came up big with a nice par for net birdie on the 8th to go up one in the match.  All the girls hit the green on the 9th hole and everyone made their par but Lois had the stroke so Team Finegold/Lee went up 2 at the turn.  On the 10th hole Diane Tate got the match back to only 1 down for their side with a quality par net birdie.  The eleventh was halved with bogey and twelve was won by Norma Hyland with a smooth par which brought the match quickly back
2013 Ladies Team Match Play Runner Ups
Lois Lee and Karen Finegold
to all square.  The thirteenth was another halve.  Then it was Diane's turn on 14 to win one for team Hyland/Tate with a great par on a difficult hole.  This was there first lead of the day which they held on to until the 17th hole.  On 17 Lois Lee had a great bunker shot and two putted for the win to get the match back to even with only one hole left to play.  On the 18th Diane Tate hit the green in regulation and made a great two put from the front of the green all the way to the back.  It was all up to Lois Lee who had a put for 5 net 4 to take the match to extra holes.  I think we might start calling her the ice lady because she dropped it right into the bottom of the cup!  She must have ice water running through her veins because she is definitely cool as the other side of the pillow.  With a halve on the 1st and 2nd extra holes it was Diane Tate making par on the 3rd extra hole to win the match in 21 holes.  Congratulations to both teams for a great tournament and to our 2013 Ladies Team Match Play Club Champions Norma Hyland & Diane Tate.
Diane watches on the first tee while her partner Norma knocks one straight down the middle.

Karen and Lois discuss strategy on the 9th hole.

Karen attempts her birdie putt on the 9th

WGA Results 8-28-13

Today's format was tee for all in our WGA Play Day. The weather was nice a little on the humid side but that's to be expected for this time of year. We had 15 eighteen holers show up and 3 nine holers.

The Gross division was taken by Diane Tate who fire a little 82 to not only take the win but to help her team win the Ladies Match Play Championship. She teamed with our second place lady in Norma Hyland who shot an 87. Third place in the Gross division was taken by Stephanie Stokes who shot a 89.

The net side of things was taken by Lois Lee who shot 68 to take home the top spot while second place was taken by Cindy Boals who shot 70. Maureen Buckley took home third place with 71.

The nine hole Gross division was taken by Elizabeth Hemming who shot a nice 62. While the net side was won by Carol Spears who shot a 46.

The chip in money was won by Stephanie Stokes who chipped in on hole sixteen for not only the lone chip in but for the lone birdie of the day.

Great work to all the Ladies who came out. We look forward to seeing you next week for our President's Cup format.

All the Best,


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

WGA Results for August 14th 2013

We had Becky's Day today for our WGA play day.  The weather was great with a nice cool August day.  The ladies showed up with 17 players.  13 eighteen hole ladies and 4 nine hole participants.  

Today's winner in the Gross division of the 18 holers was Norma Hyland.  She fired a nice 70 which had an 8 thrown out on the front nine but with her shooting a 38 on the back nine her largest score on any hole was a 5 so that was the one that had to go.  Great work Norma.  In second place on the gross side we had Tricia Knight scoring a 79 to take home the 2nd place prize money.

The net side of things was a little closer with Diane Tate scoring a 59 to claim the big money first place prize.  She was the picture of consistency firing 43 on each nine holes with 6 being the highest score on her score card.  Following her closely with a 62 today was Lorraine Schwerin who collected second place money for her stellar play.  Great work ladies!

The 9 hole ladies had Tina Maisano cashing in with her score of 33.  Great work Tina.

The chip in jar was full of cash from three weeks of carry overs.  The lucky lady today was Norma Hyland who chipped in on the 3rd hole and collected all the dough for her efforts.  Way to go Norma!

The birdie tree saw only one addition this week with Tricia Knight claiming a tweeter on the 12th hole.

Great work to all the ladies.  Just a reminder that next week the golf course will be closed on Monday-Wednesday for green aerification.  Tom is working on a place for the ladies to play on Wednesday so stay tuned.



Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Today we had two nine hole ladies and nine eighteen hole ladies with our format being President's Cup. The top spot in the gross division was split between a familiar face of Dot Kennihan and Diane Tate both fired an 88. The top spot in the net side was also split between Betty Lynch and Becky Deaton who fired smooth little 65's. Wanda Little nearly missed the top spot but settled into second firing a little 68.

The nine hole division was split between our only two ladies who shot the same score on both the gross and net side. Tina Maisano and Cathy Roofe both shot a gross 58 and a net of 40. Great job Ladies!

There were no chip in's today so the evergoing pot will continue to grow until next week.

We had three birdies today number 12 was a popular hole to birdie today as both Betty Lynch and Norma Hyland birdied it, but not to be outdone Diane Tate threw in a tweeter on the 13th hole.

Thanks to all the ladies who came out today. Next weeks format will be Becky's Day and will start at 8:30.

All the Best,
