Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WGA Results for April 24th 2013

Beautiful day today but scoring conditions for my ladies was a bit tough because of a little wind.  The Format  was Three Blind Mice where the girls throw out their three worst holes to come up with their score.  Many of the ladies after play were lobbying for more throw out holes.

Dot Kennihan found herself in the winners circle on the gross side with a very respectable gross score of 69.  Nice shooting Dot!  The first place winner in the Net side of things was Pat Blank.  She has been on a bit of a tear lately cashing checks every time she tee's it up.  She scored a super low 51 for her three blind mice.  She was followed in the second place position by Lynn Dunn at 55 and in third place, only one shot back, was Becky Deaton.  Congrats to all the winners of the three blind mice game.

We had four ladies in the 9 hole group with Karen Mamuzic taking first place in the Gross and Beverly Logan claiming first place prize money in the Net.  Well Done!

No chip in's today so make sure you show up next week for the big carry over pot!

Just one lone birdie today by Susie Points on the 15th hole.  Nice work Susie!

Thanks to everyone for playing and see you next week.



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