Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another banner day for the ladies today on their WGA play day.  We had a total of 26 ladies playing today.  Twenty one ladies in the 18 hole division and 5 ladies in the 9 hole division.  The weather had a bit of everything in it today.  A chill in the air this morning which gave way to bright warm sunshine (with plenty of pollen) then a tiny rain shower to cap it all off.  This did not phase my ladies though they came through with some blazing scores in both the Gross and Net divisions.  To top out the Gross division in the 18 holers newcomer Sharon Fields carded an 81.  She had a great front nine score of 39 and ended up edging out our steady Norma Hyland who took second place with 84.  Nice going, Sharon!  The Net Division was a real battle with Becky Deaton claiming first place money with a red hot round of 66.  Our Becky is known to do that from time to time.  Nice work Mrs. D!  Susie Points was hot on her heels with a very nice round of her own of 67 which was good enough for second place prize money by 4 shots.  Great job, Susie!  In the hotly contested 9 hole division we had Paula McEachen trying her hand in the 9 hole game (She has been a regular with the 18 hole ladies).  Paula took home top honors in the Gross Division with a score of 57.  Nice work, Paula!  The net division was close with Mrs. Logan draining a 30 foot put to come within two strokes of the eventual winner, Mrs. Cathy Roofe who shot a nice 44 net.   Last but not least we had Lynn Dunn chip in on the third hole for the lone chip in of the week.  She took home a cool $12.50 for her efforts.  Great work, ladies!  See you next week for the First President's Cup of the year.
Who is that lady fishing balls out of the lake?  She must be getting someone else's ball out for them because I know she would never hit one in there.
What a putt!  Beverly Logan drains a 35 footer on the 18th hole. 

That does not phase Cathy one bit as she calmly steps up to her ball and finishes with a two put victory in the Net division of the 9 hole ladies.

Look at how close Karen Finegold hit that ball to the hole.  What a shot!

Lynch, Boals and Finegold discussing strategy on the 9th green.

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