Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Couples Golf March 25th 2012

Lorraine Chalas showing the group how it's done on the 13th hole.
The first of this years Couples Golf Events was completed on Sunday, March 25th despite some threatening weather.  As the day started we had some beautiful warm weather with s few clouds forming but as play commenced at 1pm the big rumbling clouds moved in and it looked a bit ominous.  Nothing could deter our couples from finishing though.  We had a few doubters who when hearing a few rumbling sounds of thunder were motivated to move closer to the clubhouse.  Rick Knight heard some loud thunder but assured me based on his scientific background it was miles away.  Turns out that guy has brains to go along with those rugged good looks.  Dodging a few raindrops along the way the Couples finished in just over 4 hours then sat down in the Cornerstone for a nice meal.  While they waited for their meal they watched the UNC Tarheels being ousted from the NCAA tournament and Tiger winning his first PGA tour event in two years.  According to Ronnie that guy might be back on track.  Just before dinner Gordon stepped to the bar and announced the big winners of this years first Couples Golf.  The closest to the hole winners were announced first with Rick Knight throwing inside of 6ft on the 9th to collect $10 in shop credit.  Not to be outdone Stephanie Stokes hit a beautiful shot that finished inside of 10ft to best all the other ladies for her closest to the hole finish on the 12th hole.  Enjoy that $10 in shop credit Stephanie!  Now on to the team winners.  We paid out 3 places in the event with the team of Steve Schwerin, Chip & Pat Peterson taking the 3rd place spot ($10 per couple) with a score of 60.  Lorraine was home nursing an injured back but assured me she would be happy to spend the $10 in shop credit that her hubby won for being part of the 3rd place team. The 2nd place winners ($20 per couple) were Dave & Lynn Dunn along with Ray & Becky Deaton.  They turned in a score of 58.7.  Only 7 tenths of a shot out of a tie for 1st place.  Every time those two couples team up they are cashing a check.  Great work Dunn's & Deaton's!  The big winners of this years first Couples Golf is Russell & Stephanie Stokes along with Lorraine Chalas and Rick Finnin.  Paul Courneya had numerous complaints about the group behind them hitting the ball to far which turned out to be long hitting Dr. Stokes.  The team capitalized on his distance to bring home the bacon.  The score of 58 was just good enough to capture the first place prize of $30 per couple.  Great work team Stokes, Chalas & Finnin!  Thanks to all the couples for coming out and playing.  Even though the weather was not ideal we had a nice showing with 28 players.  Hope to see you next time.  Couples golf in April will be on the 29th.  It will be a 1pm shotgun start with dinner to follow in the Cornerstone.

At least the weather was nice for the practice before the start.  Play started on time despite multiple threats of bodily harm to pro shop staff (namely me) if it started to rain.  Sorry Mrs. C.  At least it didn't rain the whole time.
Pat Black cleaning up another one of Jim's messes on the 9th green.
Dave Harper wanted to make sure I caught on Camera the vibrant Yellow outfit he was sporting.  Sorry Dave I don't know what went wrong with my camera. 
I did however manage to capture this beautiful blue jacket that Bev Harper was wearing.
The Mamuzic's Look on as Joel Tew stripe one up onto the 15th green.

Ouch!  Just a little bit farther Rick.
Chip Peterson launches one as Pat looks on in amazement.

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