Wednesday, July 10, 2013

WGA Results for July 10th 2013

Today we had 10 players come out and battle for the top spot in the format of Low Putts.  With this format it is all gross and no strokes for the ladies.  The top dog in this fight was a very familiar name over the past few weeks.  This champion has just posted either a share of the first place or first place outright for her 4th week in a row!  Betty Lynch is like butter because she is on a roll!  She posted the lowest putt total of 31.  Congrats to Betty for a job well done!  The second place spot was a three way tie at 32 putts.  That spot was shared between Lisa Butcher, Monica Lipomi and Lois Lee.  The lone birdie of the day was by Lisa Butcher who had a tweeter on the 6th hole.  No one chipped in today so that is some big money in the pot for next week.  Next week is the rescheduled President's cup instead of the inside 100 yards.  I will be out of town so I am confident Gordon and Hunter will take good care of my Ladies.



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