Wednesday, July 31, 2013

WGA Play Day Results for July 31st, 2013

We had some familiar names pop up on the leader board today for the WGA Play Day.  The format was Pick Nine.  This is where the ladies choose their most favorite nine different holes and try to go low on those.  We had thirteen 18 hole ladies show up and five for the 9 hole game.

Dot Kennihan, who is no stranger to the first place position, was at it again with an excellent round that captured her the 1st place in the gross division.  She picked just the right holes that added up to just 5 over par.  She was just one shot ahead of the always competitive Lorraine Chalas.   In the net group we had Cathy Gough going way low with 4 under par!  She eeked out her nearest competitor by one blow over the always present Betty Lynch and Lynn Dunn who finished in a tie for second place.  Great work ladies!

The 9 hole ladies saw Cathy Roofe on top again with her 2 under score followed closely by Bev Logan at 1 under par.  Those ladies are tough to beat!

No Chip-in's this week so that money carries over to next week!

Only one birdie added to the birdie tree.  Carroll Scarborough came in from California to play and posted a nice 4 on the 15th hole!  Nice!

Thanks ladies and see you next week.



Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today we had nine 18 hole ladies and five 9 holes ladies for today's President's Cup competition. There was some good play out there with Tricia Knight taking home the top spot on the gross side with an nice 86. Great job! The net side was won by Becky Deaton who fired a smooth little 72. Second place on the net side was taken by Dot Kennihan who carded a 73. The nine hole division saw Tina Maisano take home the win with a 51 on the gross side and Beverley Harper take the net side with a 44. Great playing ladies!!

The chip in pot was a carry over pot from last week and was split between Tricia Knight who chipped in on #2 and Lynn Dunn who chipped in on #3.

The lone tweeter of the day fell to Tricia Knight on #2 with her chip in.

Thanks for playing ladies! Next week we have the US Kids Tournament here so Tom will be taking a group of ladies over to Dormie Club to play at 11,11:10, & 11:20 the signup sheet is in the golf shop so don't forget to sign up before the spots get filled.

All the Best,


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

WGA Results for July 10th 2013

Today we had 10 players come out and battle for the top spot in the format of Low Putts.  With this format it is all gross and no strokes for the ladies.  The top dog in this fight was a very familiar name over the past few weeks.  This champion has just posted either a share of the first place or first place outright for her 4th week in a row!  Betty Lynch is like butter because she is on a roll!  She posted the lowest putt total of 31.  Congrats to Betty for a job well done!  The second place spot was a three way tie at 32 putts.  That spot was shared between Lisa Butcher, Monica Lipomi and Lois Lee.  The lone birdie of the day was by Lisa Butcher who had a tweeter on the 6th hole.  No one chipped in today so that is some big money in the pot for next week.  Next week is the rescheduled President's cup instead of the inside 100 yards.  I will be out of town so I am confident Gordon and Hunter will take good care of my Ladies.

