Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2012 Couples Member Guest "Fall Classic" Results

The weather for this years Couples Member Guest seemed to be on every ones mind but Superstorm Sandy only gave us a we bit o wind and that is about it.  Not nearly enough to deter any of our hearty competitors from playing in the 2012 Couples Member Guest Fall Classic.  We had a nice showing of 13 teams which gave us 52 total players.  A big thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Hyland and Mr. & Mrs. Boals for coordinating this event.  They did a  great job and should be commended for all of their hard work making sure this years Fall Classic was one to be remembered.  The weekend started off with a practice round better ball game on Friday where we saw great participation and some very low scores!  Joel & Cindy Tew along with their guests Craig & Donna Linton fired an amazing 16 under par 56 which was two shots better than their closest competitors and earned them the top paying spot in the Friday Better Ball game.  The final two paying spots for second and third place were our tournament organizers.  Team Boals/Tufts scored a very respectable 58 with the help of Tom Boals back nine score of 39 gross!  Team Hyland/Watterworth rounded out the top paying spots with a scorecard playoff at 59.

Saturday's forecast was 70% chance or rain and high winds.  That forecast did not come through as predicted and the Fall Classic went on as scheduled.  So much for Superstorm Sandy.  The format for tournament day was 2 best balls of the four player team with both gross and net divisions.  The top paying spots were 1st place gross along with 1st, 2nd & 3rd place net.  We had three special event holes with hole #9 as the beat the pro hole along with closest to the hole prizes for ladies on the 12th and men on the 17th.  We had Gordon "Great Scot" McKinlay out on the 9th challenging all comers with his silky smooth swing.  The game was that you could bet any amount you wanted and if you hit it closer than the Pro you doubled your money.  This game was a no loose game though because if you did not hit it closer you still got your money in pro shop credit.  This fact may have eluded Norman "the crusher" Finegold who bet the minimum $5 and careened one off of the rocks into the middle of the pond but not his wife Karen who stepped up the bet to $10 and proceeded to knock it to within 3 feet nearly holing the ball out to beat the Great Scot who had hit his ball to about 12 ft.  Gordon continued to be on his game as we had near 100% participation in this event with only 12 players beating the pro.  Congratulations to those players.  The closest to the hole on #12 for the ladies was Diane Tufts and the winner for closest to the hole on the 17th was Lynn Olmsted.

First Place in the Gross division went to the team of Bruce & Lorraine Chalas along with their guests, Lynn & Diane Olmsted.  They carded a respectable score of four over par 148 to beat their nearest competitor by two shots.
The First place net winners were the team of Ray & Becky Deaton with our former members Mike & Kathy Fiske.  They fired an astounding score of 22 under par 122 which surprisingly was only two shots ahead of the 2nd place finishers of team Boals/Tufts.  Rounding out the last paying spot was the Michigan connection of Scott & Sharon Fields along with Joe & Kim Deyonker.  They were at 16 under 128.  Well done to all of the top competitors.

The golf was followed with a very nice cocktail reception where the winners were announced.  The evening was concluded with Dinner and Dancing in the ballroom.   Good times were had by all who participated and the anticipation is already building for next years Fall Classic!  Thanks to everyone who played in this wonderful event and to those that contributed their time in making it happen.
Team Boals/Tufts finishing up on the difficult 4th hole

Sharon Fields fires one in from the fairway on the 18th

Scott Fields demonstrating exceptional skills with his favorite club in the bag.

Team Michalek finishes up on the 16th.  They get my vote for best dressed.

Cindy Boals attempting to hole one on the 5th.
Steve Tufts cleaning up after taking a dip in the creek on the 5th hole.  

Tom Beddow shoots one over the creek on #5 as Kathy looks on.

Wanda Little attempts to hit it closer than her playing partner Kathy.  That may be a tall order though as you can see how close her ball is to the hole here.

George Little attempting to get this one over the creek on #5.  He did get it over the creek but we won't talk about where it ended up.

Tall, Taller, Tallest
Best of friend's

TP giving out the final results of the big event.

And the winner is?

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