Thursday, April 5, 2012

WGA Play Day, April 4th 2012

Another blue bird day for the ladies of National Golf Club on their play day.  The temperature was a balmy 84 degrees for their first play day of April and the format was Odd or Even.  We had some familiar names on the top of the leader board again this week and a few newcomers showing their prowess.  In the Gross division there was our own Tiger Woods Mrs. Norma Hyland winning top honors two weeks in a row with a gross score of 40 using her odd holes.  It must have been that awesome short game lesson she had on Tuesday.  Rounding out the gross division was a tie for second with our two out of towner WGA members Sharon Fields and Carrol Scarborough.  The posted scores of 42 with Carroll's coming on the odd holes and Sharon's coming on the event holes.  Nice work ladies!  The net division was dominated by Mrs. Betty Lynch who turned in an excellent score of 30 on her odd hole to take first place by two shots.  Great work Betty!  The second place position was shared by another out of towner from the Buckeye State Mrs. Ann Filo and Mrs. Monica Lipomi who scored a 32, both of those were on the even holes.  The last paying spot in the net division was taken by Susie Points with a very respectable 34.  I commend her for her performance because she has had to do it without her rangefinder that is without a battery that someone is supposed to get for her.  Great work to all the 18 Hole Ladies

Now for the 9 Hole Ladies results.  We had a nice showing of six ladies for our nine hole group with Bev Harper making a celebrity appearance with the group.  The top money winners in the group were Mrs. Heather Barnwell taking the gross prize and Mrs. Karen Mamuzic taking the net.

The Chip in jar was split three ways this week with Susan Courneya (#14) Wanday Little (#9) and Pia Orlandi (#4) taking home all the loot.  It must have been that chipping lesson for sure.

The birdie tree had some additions also with Wanda Little, Susan Courneya and Monica Lipomi all carding birdies today.

Great work to all the ladies and we will see you next week at 9:00am for our deduct 3 worst holes format.
Diane Tate lining up for a put on the 9th hole while Cindy Tew contemplates her next shot.
9 Hole Ladies Gross champion Heather Barnwell hitting her final approach to the 18th green.
Beverly Logan getting ready to blast one out of the bunker on 18.  Rumor was she got out of every bunker today in only one shot. 
I think this one breaks a little left to right don't you?
Now for the good part ladies.  Lunch!
Despite Karen's unfortunate lie here she pressed on for victory in the net division for the 9 holers
Carol Spears lining up her put on #18.  Keep your head still "Flipper"
Susie Points drives one onto the green with ease on the 9th hole despite playing without her range finder.

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