Monday, April 30, 2012

Couples Golf Results for April 29, 2012

What a beauty day at National for our April Couples Golf event.  We had an excellent showing with 28 players vying for the coveted crown of couples golf champion!

First we will start with the closest to the hole winners for the day.  On the Men's side we had closest to the hole contests for #2 & #17.  Dwayne Ayers hit one in there close on #2 to score the $10 credit for that hole.  I did happen to look at their teams scorecard and noticed they did not make a birdie on that hole.  I asked their de facto team captain, Mark Watson what happened and he commented "we didn't make the put."  You just can't argue with that logic.  Hole #17 was taken by Dr. Russell Stokes who stiffed it in their so close even I could have made that put.  Nice work guys!  On the ladies side it was a one Woman show with Maureen Buckley collecting both prizes on holes #9 & #12.  Great work Mo!

Now on to the official results of the day.  In the third place position we had the team of Tim & Maureen Buckley paired with Steve & Susie Points.  They shot a respectable 58.5 to collect some third place scratch.  Tim, I still can't find that long drive prize for #11.  I'll let you know if it turns up.

The second place team consisted of Steve & Lorraine Schwerin along with Joel & Cindy Tew.  They carded a 57.2 to take home the enormous amount of sweeps credit for that position.  Don't spend it all in one place.  Oh that's right you can only spend it in one place.  It's a good thing the Pro has such an excellent selection of quality merchandise at such reasonable prices.

Finally our Champions of the day scoring an impressive 55.6 was the team of Russell & Stephanie Stokes and Tom & Tracy Lorenz.  Rumor has it they were leaning pretty hard on Russ for his long driving capabilities.

Congratulations to all of our winners and thanks to all the Couples who played in the April Couples Golf event.


Not sure what was going on here but the result was a missed putt.  I am very impressed though with the patience
displayed by Tom Boals while his wife Cindy received an on course putting lesson from Team Finegold.

After encouraging The Watson's & The Ayers' to speed up the pace a bit, Karen quickly responds by draining a 30 footer and stating to me, "how is that for picking up the pace!"  Nice putt!

I think I will start calling Mr. Schwerin Ice Man because he so cooley stepped up to this 35 footer from off the green and put it right in the bottom of the cup!  Now that is what I call cool.

Mo Buckley rifling one into the 15th green here while her loyal band of supporters looks on.

I think I have discovered the secret to why Dr. Stokes hits it so long off the tee.  If you look closely here you will see he is hitting one of those new TaylorMade RBZ drivers.  I think everyone should run right out and buy one from their friendly neighborhood PGA Golf Professional!

Can you just feel the pressure this team is laying on Angus McEachen to make this put?  It is a good thing he is as cool as the other side of the pillow!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WGA Play Day Results for April 18th, 2012

With storm clouds brewing and inclement weather threatening the ladies got in their golf today with only a few sprinkles of rain.  We had 16 eighteen holers and 6 nine holers for today's format of Mutt & Jeff.  The ladies got to count only the par 5's & par 3's to make up their score for the Net & Gross competition.

Diane Tate had the round of the day with a beautiful round of 79 gross!  This resulted in a Mutt & Jeff gross score of  31 which was good enough to take the top spot over our 2nd place finisher Sharon Fields.  Great round Diane!

In the net division we had Tricia Knight turning in a score of 28 to collect first place money.  She was followed closely by Susie Points in 2nd place with a 29 and rounding out the net division for the last paying spots were Dot Kennihan and Betty Lynch tying for the 3rd place with a score of 30.  Great work ladies!

In the 9 hole division we had two ladies that seem to win every time they play.  Heather Barnwell collecting the Gross prize with a score of 26 and Karen Mamuzic shooting a nice net score of 15 to acquire first place in the Net division.  You ladies are tough to beet.  Great work!

We had two ladies chipping in today to split all the dough in the chip in pot.  Congratulations to Mrs. Sharon Fields who chipped in on #15 and Mrs. Betty Lynch who holed one out on #7.  Super job ladies!

The birdie tree had some additions to it from Sharon Fields who made some tweeters on the 5th and 15th holes and Diane Tate who was one under par on the 8th and 17th holes.

Great work to all the ladies and we will see you all next week for President's Cup.  The play will commence at 9am after a breakfast in the Cornerstone which starts at 7:30am.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WGA Play Day Results April 11th, 2012

A wee bit breezy today for the ladies of National.  It's a good thing our ladies are tough.  Their was promise of the temperature getting up near 70 but it never happened.  Today's results have a few new names at the top of the leaderboard.  Today's format was Three Blind Mice.  This competition had gross and net winners that threw out their three worst holes.  The champion in the Gross division was a Tie with Mrs. Susie Points and Mrs. Sharon Fields carding a 70 for the day.  Great  work ladies.  In the Net division we had another tie at the top of the leaderboard with Pat Blank and Betty Lynch scoring 53 net to take home first place prize money.  Well done!

The 9 hole ladies had Carol "Chipper" Spears carrying home top honors for the gross with a score of 39 and Lynne Legallais making a rare appearance on Ladies Day to take home 1st place in the net division with a nice round of 30.  Way to go ladies!

Tina Maisano was the only one to Chip in today so she took home all the chip in loot of $7.50.  WOW!

Only one tweeter today also with Dot Kennihan carding a 2 on the 12th hole to add another birdie to the tree.  Great work Dot!

That's it for now on the WGA Blog.  Thanks to all the ladies for playing today and we hope to see you next week at 9am for the WGA Play Day.  The format will be Mutt & Jeff where you take the low total score for the par 3's and par 5's.  Their will be Net & Gross divisions

All the best,


Thursday, April 5, 2012

WGA Play Day, April 4th 2012

Another blue bird day for the ladies of National Golf Club on their play day.  The temperature was a balmy 84 degrees for their first play day of April and the format was Odd or Even.  We had some familiar names on the top of the leader board again this week and a few newcomers showing their prowess.  In the Gross division there was our own Tiger Woods Mrs. Norma Hyland winning top honors two weeks in a row with a gross score of 40 using her odd holes.  It must have been that awesome short game lesson she had on Tuesday.  Rounding out the gross division was a tie for second with our two out of towner WGA members Sharon Fields and Carrol Scarborough.  The posted scores of 42 with Carroll's coming on the odd holes and Sharon's coming on the event holes.  Nice work ladies!  The net division was dominated by Mrs. Betty Lynch who turned in an excellent score of 30 on her odd hole to take first place by two shots.  Great work Betty!  The second place position was shared by another out of towner from the Buckeye State Mrs. Ann Filo and Mrs. Monica Lipomi who scored a 32, both of those were on the even holes.  The last paying spot in the net division was taken by Susie Points with a very respectable 34.  I commend her for her performance because she has had to do it without her rangefinder that is without a battery that someone is supposed to get for her.  Great work to all the 18 Hole Ladies

Now for the 9 Hole Ladies results.  We had a nice showing of six ladies for our nine hole group with Bev Harper making a celebrity appearance with the group.  The top money winners in the group were Mrs. Heather Barnwell taking the gross prize and Mrs. Karen Mamuzic taking the net.

The Chip in jar was split three ways this week with Susan Courneya (#14) Wanday Little (#9) and Pia Orlandi (#4) taking home all the loot.  It must have been that chipping lesson for sure.

The birdie tree had some additions also with Wanda Little, Susan Courneya and Monica Lipomi all carding birdies today.

Great work to all the ladies and we will see you next week at 9:00am for our deduct 3 worst holes format.
Diane Tate lining up for a put on the 9th hole while Cindy Tew contemplates her next shot.
9 Hole Ladies Gross champion Heather Barnwell hitting her final approach to the 18th green.
Beverly Logan getting ready to blast one out of the bunker on 18.  Rumor was she got out of every bunker today in only one shot. 
I think this one breaks a little left to right don't you?
Now for the good part ladies.  Lunch!
Despite Karen's unfortunate lie here she pressed on for victory in the net division for the 9 holers
Carol Spears lining up her put on #18.  Keep your head still "Flipper"
Susie Points drives one onto the green with ease on the 9th hole despite playing without her range finder.