Saturday, November 9, 2013

WGA Closing Day Event for 2013

What a beautiful day we had for our WGA closing day event.  The November temps reaching the low 70's and beautiful blue skies.  The format for the ladies final event was a 9 hole scramble mixing the 9 hole ladies with the 18 hole ladies.  The ladies had a nice lunch that followed and some nice awards were given out.  The results had the team of Diane Tate, Cindy Tew, Maggie Dougherty and Pia Orlandi.  They had a score of 29.87.  The second place team was Norma Hyland, Wanda Little, Betty Lynch and Beverly Harper.  They were not far behind with a round of 30.27.  There were two players splitting the chip in pot.  Both players on the same team and on the same hole.  They were Becky Deaton, who commented before dropping her 50 cents into the chip in jar, " I don't ever win this thing".  Congrats to everyone for a job well done.  After golf the ladies had a nice lunch in the Member's Lounge where the President of the WGA, Wanda Little gave out some important year end info and past the torch to the 2014 incoming president Cindy Boals.   Cindy then started right in on giving out some of the year end awards for the WGA and a special thank you award for Dot Kennihan who has been tournament chair and handled the Tar Heel ladies for the last year.  Great work Dot!  Here is a  list of the other winners from the year.

Ringer Board:
Handicaps 20 and under - Norma Hyland 63
Handicaps 21-28  - Becky Deaton & Susie Points 73
Handicaps 29+  - Betty Lynch  79
Nine Hole Players -  Carol Spears

Handicaps 20 and under - Norma Hyland  8 birdies
Handicaps 21-28   -  Becky Deaton  4 birdies
Handicaps 29+  - Betty Lynch  5 birdies
Nine Hole Players - Carol Spears & Cathy Roofe  1 birdie

Most Improved Player:
18 hole ladies:  Tricia Knight who went from 19.6 to 17.2
9 hole ladies:  Tina Maisano who went from 25.3 to 23.4

Great work to all the ladies and don't forget that we will have the year end Awards banquet coming up November 13th so please call the receptionist or email to RSVP.  Thanks and see you there.



Wednesday, October 30, 2013

WGA Results 10-30-13

We were blessed today with some beautiful fall weather which helped certain players play some great golf!
Norma Hyland posted 2 birdies on the back 9 on route to a smooth 80 gross which helped her easily win that category.  Dot Kennihan managed 2nd place a distant 12 shots behind.
Wanda Little continued her fine run of form with a net 71 which was good enough for a 3 shot margin of victory
over Pat Blank.
Believe it or not there were 4 CHIP INS today!!!  Blank, Dunn, Mitchell and Lynch were on target to help collect a whopping $2.50 each.
Liz Hemming was the low gross winner for the 9-hole group and Beverly Harper took the net victory.
Below are the results in full:

Thanks to all those that played!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

WGA Results 10/23/13

Our cool morning turned into a great day for golf here at National. We had five nine hole ladies show up for today and only two nine hole ladies show up. The format was Par 3's were gross and Par 4's & 5's were net.

On the eighteen hole side of things Norma Hyland dominated the competition firing a 71. On the Par 3's she was even par with the lone birdie of the day on the tough ninth hole. Her closest competitor was Wanada Little who shot an 84 and finished second.

The nine hole ladies were at a deadlock and finished the day with a score of 49. Liz Hemming and Beverly Logan were the two ladies taking home the top spot.

There were no chip ins today so that money will stay in the pot till next week. We hope to see you all again next week. Thanks for playing ladies!



Wednesday, October 16, 2013

WGA Results 10/16/13

We had another great day for golf here at National. We had eight 18 hole ladies show up and only two nine hole ladies. The format for play was Most Gross 3's, 4's & 5's.

In the Most 3's competition Norma Hyland took home the top spot with three 3's. She parred three of the four Par 3's and birdied the other Par 3. Now that's some great playing!

In the Most 4's Lynn Dunn & Dot Kennihan tied with four 4's to take home the money. They were closely followed by a slue of players with three 4's.

The Most 5's was captured by Tricia Knight who made eight 5's to edge out Susan Courneya who made seven  5's.

In the nine hole ladies Carol Spears took home the most 5's, while Beverly Logan made the most 4's.

Thanks for all the ladies that came out today and we hope to see you all again next week!



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

WGA Results 10/9/13

We had a cool, brisk morning for golf here at National. Our format today was low net and low gross. We had six eighteen hole ladies and only two nine hole ladies come out and brave the elements.

The nine hole ladies had Beverly Logan come out on top of things firing a 58. Carol Spears took home the top spot in the net side shooting a 49. Great playing Ladies!

The eighteen hole ladies saw Pat Blank dominate the gross division shooting a 96 and besting the competition by seven shots. In the net division Pia Orlandi captured the top spot firing a nice 74. It must have been those new tees! Great playing to all the ladies who came out.

Thanks to all the ladies who came out and played today. We hope to see even more ladies next week!



Sunday, October 6, 2013

2013 Ladies Club Championship Results

A great weekend for the ladies with blue skies and warm temperatures providing some excellent conditions for them to go low and collect some crystal.  We had 8 brave souls sign up to see their name in lights (or on the scoreboard).  The Championship is stroke play held over 36 holes with the Gross & Net Champions crowned.  The overall champion will be the Gross Champion and have their name added to the board.

Day one of the tournament had some stiff competition with the ladies turning in some higher than usual scores.  You know what they say though,  that's why you play the game.  I am proud of my ladies getting out their and competing for a Championship.  Diane Tate emerged as the first day leader in the gross division with a score of 88 which was 5 shots ahead of the next competitor.  The Net had Tricia Knight leading with a score of 75 with two others only 2 shots behind.  It was definitely shaping up to be a spectacular final round on Sunday!

Final day with everything on the line the ladies came out to play.  The final pairing had the leader, Diane Tate along with Tricia Knight who was 5 shots behind and Dot Kennihan who was 8 shots back from the leader.  After 9 holes we had a bit of a flip flop with Tricia Knight and Dot Kennihan tying for the overall lead while our day one leader Diane had a bit of a rough go of it on the inward nine holes falling three shots behind the leaders.  The back nine belonged to Tricia where she showed that steady play wins the day.  She carded a 44 to combine with her front nine 45 and a two day total of 182.  That was good enough for a 3 shot victory over her closest competitor, former club champion, Dot Kennihan.  Great work Trish!

The net competition on day two had a come from behind winner and a score card playoff all in one!  The two day total of 151 was shared by Dot Kennihan and Becky Deaton.  According to rules we have a scorecard playoff.  The USGA recommended procedure is to compare the players last 9 score and with Becky starting off the back 9 with a 10 it did not look good but she steadied the ship and sailed in with a 46 which was one shot better than Dot and solidified her hold on that Net Championship along with the always sought after invite to this years Champions Dinner!  Great work Becky!

Congratulations to all the ladies who played in this years Championship.  You are all Champions in my book!


Net Champion Becky Deaton tends the flag for fellow competitor Betty Lynch on the 9th hole.

2013 Champion Tricia Knight zeros in on one on the 8th green.

Stephanie Stokes stripes one down the middle on 8

Maureen Buckley with another great one down the center.
Pat Blank watches as Becky sizes up a put on the 9th

Tricia fires one in there on the 8th

1st day leader Diane Tate hits her approach shot on the 8th

Tricia Knight out of the bunker on her way to her first National Golf Club Club Championship

Our ladies always enjoy themselves!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

WGA Results October 2nd, 2013

We had yet another beautiful day here at National. This week's format was President's Cup which is fitting being this week is the President's Cup. We had eight 18 hole ladies show up and only two nine hole ladies. 

The Gross side of things was captured by Susie Points who fired a little 94. She was closely followed by Tricia Knight who shot a 95. 

The Net side was dominated by Betty Lynch who shot a 74 besting Tricia Knight and a host of others who were right on her heels. 

The nine hole division was won by Tina Maisano shooting a 58. Liz Hemming took home the net side of things with a little 43. 

Thanks to all the Ladies who came out for the fun and festivities today. We hope to see a bigger crowd next week. 



Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WGA Play Day results for Wednesday, September 25th

Today we had small field for the Hate'em format which basically allowed you to throw out 2 of your least favorite holes prior to the round.  I noticed a lot of hole 10 and 4 for obvious reasons!!

Diane Tate was the low gross winner with an 82 and Betty Lynch continued her dominance in the net with a 65!

A big shout out go's to Dot Kennihan who managed a hole in one on hole 17!!
She used her 5 hybrid to great effect for her 4th hole in one during her golfing career.  Maker sure and congratulate her when you next see her.
Thanks to those who did play and hope to see a bigger crowd next week.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WGA Solheim Cup Day 9/18/13

What a beautiful day we had for golf. Our Solheim Cup matched up two teams of six 18 hole ladies and 2 nine hole ladies. The format for the nine hole ladies was one better ball of the two. The format for the 18 hole ladies was nine holes of one better ball of the two and nine holes of modified alternate shot.

For our nine hole match the team of Beverly Logan and Carol Spears faced off against Liz Hemming and Tina Maisano. The team of Hemming and Maisano jumped out of the gate winning hole ten. This match was a back and forth chase with both teams alternating winning holes. The match was eventually halved with Maisano and Hemming taking the l8th to half the match. Great playing Ladies!

In the match of the Captains Norma Hyland and Diane Tate took on the strong team of Dot Kennihan and Tricia Knight. Diane Tate had a great day on the links her team was three up at the turn and never looked back. Tricia Knight tried to bring her team back at the turn birding number nine to bring the match closer but the momentum soon faded. Hyland and Tate closed out the match on hole 14. This put Norma Hyland and her team up one point.

The second 18 hole match matched up Becky Deaton and Cathy Gough against Maureen Buckley and Monica Lipomi. Becky Deaton birdied the first hole but Buckley and Limponi fought right back with a win on hole two and they never lost the lead after they won the third hole. They closed the match out on the 12th hole. This tied the team aspect up at one apiece.

The anchor match teamed up Betty Lynch and Pia Orlandi against Cindy Boals and Lois Lee. The first blood in this match was drawn by Pia Orlandi on the second hole. The match was quickly back to all square after Lois Lee won the hole. The two teams alternated wins for a couple of holes and were all square at the turn. The teams were all square until the 15th when Orlandi and Lynch went ahead with a win. They quickly padded that lead winning the 16th as well. Not to be outdone the team of Boals and Lee fought won the 17th with a par. The match came down the the 18th with Boals and Lee winning the the pivotal hole and halving the match. This tied up the matches at 2 apiece.

Great playing to all the ladies and thanks for the support of the event. We hope to see you all next week.

All the Best,


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2013 Ladies Member Guest Results

What a day for golf the ladies had!  Quite an improvement over last years rain debacle for sure.  The theme this year was Irish Eyes are Smiling for the Irish Open.  The ladies were all out in there festive green and Irish Type costumes.  We even had a leprechaun floating around the club courtesy of Mr. Kuntz.  All the ladies were lining up to get a picture with the dapper guy hoping to take a dip into his Pot 'O Gold.  The format for the ladies was quite similar to last year.  They had a one best ball contest for the practice round which was held on Monday with nearly 100% participation!  The best players of the day in the net division were deadlocked at the very low score of 58.  The teams of  Cindy Boals, Dolly Mott, Karen Finegold, Tracy Lorenz and Wanda Little, Gina Gilchrest, Lynne Frazier, Jean Weiler were happy to share the first place prize money of $60 per team.  Great work Girls.  The Gross division had no tie for first place.  The winning score was 76 which was 4 shots clear of the nearest competitor.  Lorraine Chalas, Norma Hyland, Kathy Fiske and Paula Zellers took those top honors along with the $80 first place prize.  The second place gross had a tie at 80 strokes with the teams of Knight, Leidy, Staley, Stokes & Tate, Hardinger, Thompson, Anderson claiming that spot and the split of the $40 second place prize money.  

On tournament day we started the day with a buffet breakfast in the Cornerstone and a Shotgun start at 9:00 am.  The format was Captains choice with two different flights where we had Gross and Net winners in each.  The flights were the Shamrock Flight and the Leprechaun Flight.  
Gross Winners Lorraine Chalas,
Paula Zellers, Norama Hyland & Kathy Fiske

The Shamrock Flight had a tie at the top of the gross division with the score of 67.  We had a scorecard playoff for that spot which came out in favor of Norma Hyland, Kathy Fiske, Paula Zellers & Lorraine Chalas.  They finished with three pars that made the difference in the playoff and gave

Net winners Diane Staley, Tricia Knight
Stephanie Stokes & Charlotte Leidy
them that first place spot.  The net winners were the Gross playoff losers so they only felt bad for a brief second.  They had a very impressive score of 59.1 which was a winner by only 2 tenths of a stroke over their nearest competitor.  The team was Tricia Knight, Charlotte Leidy, Diana Staley & Stephanie Stokes.  Team leprechaun (all members were dressed as the lucky charm) needed a bit of that Irish luck to pull off the slimmest of victories.  Congratulations to both winners in the Shamrock Flight.

Gross Winners Rith Ertel, Betty Lynch,
Dot Kennihan & Toni Goodrich
Net Winners Marcia Maiero, Lorraine Schwerin
Joan Owen & Margaret McDonald
The Leprechaun Flight had a clear gross winner with the team of Don Kennihan, Ruth Ethel, Betty Lynch and Toni Goodrich.  They had a score of 71 which was good enough for a two shot victory.  The Net Champions were one of the best dressed groups out there today.  I especially enjoyed the sunglasses they wore.  Lorraine Schwerin, Joan Owen, Marcia Maireo and Margaret Mcdonald carded a score of 59.9 which was 3 tenths of  a shot clear of the next team.  Congratulations to both winners in the Leprechaun Flight.

The ladies had some special event holes out there today with two closest to the hole competitions, a straightest drive and the Pot of Gold (had to get in the circle to win).  The Closest to the hole on #2 was for guests and was won by Diana Staley.  The 9th hole was the Member's hole and that was claimed by Dot Kennihan.  The straightest drive had both Member and Guest divisions and the Member prize was won by Diane Tate with the guest prize going to Pat Anderson.  There were only two ladies getting into the Pot of Gold and they were both Guests (but former Members)  Kathy Fiske & Lynne Frazier shared in that prize.

I would like to thank all the ladies who played this year in the Ladies Member Guest.  A special thanks to those Members who took the time to get things organized.  We hope to see an even bigger field next year!

